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PeterL[_17_] PeterL[_17_] is offline
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Default Lemongrass progress and halibut dinner

koko > wrote in news:a2rj55t2ggpbkj9scbtnhrm2med91t2mq6@

> I bought a couple of stalks of lemongrass at the grocery store last
> week and stuck one into some potting soil.
> One week later. Yippiee!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, it's like a weed!!

I used to have a place that had 3 huge bushes of it in the back yard. I
had to burn them off every couple of months..... and they just kept
growing, and growing, and growing!!

I gave some 'cuttings' to some friends, they planted them, ended up with
huge bushes of it, now they've dug them up and broken the bushes up and
planted them all over their property...... and they want to give some back
to me!!

I'll just go around to their place and grab some as I need it :-)

> I snipped some off some of the top, chopped it up, and put it in the
> butter that I cooked my halibut in last night.
> It was so deliciously good. Just a hint of the lemongrass in the
> background. That was the only seasoning I used.

Damn!! Looks good. (The food, as well as the pics, as usual!!)

Now, with a freezer full of tenderloin....... I feel like a nice bit of
fish for dinner. Bugger!!


Peter Lucas

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