flying food
Nancy Young wrote:
> Gar wrote:
>>On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 15:12:21 -0500, Nancy Young
>>>Anything NOT STINKY. Turkey sandwich, apple, grapes, cookies.
>>>Like that.
>>I'm thinking a beautiful onion/garlic roll with gorgonzola, provolone,
>>and King Oscar sardines. I like the Mediterranean style myself.
>>Gar (smoked oysters in oil would be good also)
> Well, as I am claustrophobic and those little airplane bathrooms
> give me the willies, and as the stench would most likely induce my
> gag reflex, I hope you don't mind being stuck next to a person
> vomitting into a napkin ... if she has one, that is.
> nancy
Thanks for the reminder to pack a few extra ziploc baggies.