Thread: flying food
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Nancy Young
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Default flying food

Gar wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 16:23:01 -0500, Nancy Young

> >> I'm thinking a beautiful onion/garlic roll with gorgonzola, provolone,
> >> and King Oscar sardines. I like the Mediterranean style myself.

> >Well, as I am claustrophobic and those little airplane bathrooms
> >give me the willies,

> I'm claustrophobic too. I don't even like the cabin.

Then the person in front of you reclines. Ack! I saw these things
that you can buy, get into your seat, put the tray down and attach
these things and the person in front of you can't recline. Sounds
like a plan to me.

> > and as the stench

> OUCH!!! And I thought I described a beautiful Sandwich!

You most certainly did. In a house or something. Fine line between
'that smells great!' and 'oh no!'

> >would most likely induce my
> >gag reflex,

> And here I thought you claimed not to have a gag reflex. <g>

(laughing) Guess there isn't a strong smelling sandwich involved.

> >I hope you don't mind being stuck next to a person
> >vomitting into a napkin ... if she has one, that is.

> Alright, I'll settle for a turkey sub and some chips.

There's my man.
