New information or you live and learn.
"Janet Baraclough" wrote
cshenk" wrote these words:
>> Sure you can cheat with a kitchen scale if you also have how much the
>> item
>> should weigh, but hate to tell you how 'chiklit small' their kitchens
>> out in
>> town can be. Room for a weigh scale? You gotta be kidding!
> Modern electronic domestic kitchen scales are smaller than a slim
> paperback cookbook.
> At the touch of a button you can select either metric or imperial . I
> put the mixing bowl, saucepan etc
> on top (the scales zero their weight) and weigh ingredients straight
> into them.
Um, Janet, if i needed to dry dishes, the crockpot moved to the floor
because a small dishdrainer filled all but a 4 inch span on the fridge side
of the sink, and the strainer covered part of the stove side by 2 inches.
THATS how small.
No room to waste on a scale. Folks just learned.