Dim Sum in San Francisco
"Ken Blake" > wrote in message
> In om,
> Nathan Lau > typed:
> > Ken Blake wrote:
> >
> >> We're spending a week in San Francisco next month. Anyone have
> >> recommendations for Dim Sum restaurants there?
> >>
> >> Recommendations for non-Dim Sum Chinese restaurants (or other
> >> Asian restaurants) would be welcome too.
> >
> > Better to ask this in ba.food; it's higher traffic and you'll
> get more
> > opinions.
> I don't know that newsgroup. What does ba stand for?
> One of the reasons I asked here is that having hung around for a
> while, I have a sense of whose opinions I can trust, and whose
> opinions it's safe to ignore. In a newsgroup I don't know as
> well, I don't have that advantage.
> --
> Ken Blake
> Please reply to the newsgroup
I know Yank Sing (in the financial district, possibly on Market St.)
is well known, popular with tourists and a bit expensive but I like
it! It's been a little while but I think there are one or places in
the Richmond district that are popular with people of obviously
Chinese ancestry and almost impossible to get into unless you arrive
early. However, I can't recall any names at the moment.
James V. Silverton
Potomac, Maryland, USA