notbob wrote:
> On 2004-03-16, Louis Cohen > wrote:
> > oil/heat/cool cycles, the seasoned finish developed, but then the bottom =
> > and first inch or so of the sides developed a handful of "blisters" and =
> > it started to flake off.
> Sounds like you got one of them Americanized woks that have a film on them
> to prevent rusting prior to sale. Toss the old one (drill a buncha holes in
> it and use it in your K ...fer something
and go to an old dusty Chinese
> or Japanese store with plain ol' steel woks and start over. They aren't that
> expensive.
> nb
I agree that it sounds like one of the cheap coated ones...Bought a few of them
in the 70's...
But, no need to toss them in my experience. I just sanded the surface, and
started seasoning again, and everything was fine,