Thread: Lunch - Caprese
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Giusi Giusi is offline
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Default Lunch - Caprese

"bob in nz"
> BTW - home delivery of real, whole, un-reconstituted, un-homogenised> milk
> (with the cream still on top) in re-usable bottles stopped> sometime in
> the late eighties. The degradation of milk began shortly> after that
> so-called "upgrade."
> I also used to get fresh, raw goat's milk from a neighbouring farm> back
> in the late-seventies and the owner made a decent income from> sending the
> bulk of production to a specialist factory that turned the
> milk into powder. > These days there is not one dairy >farm left in the
> area.

It might cheer you up to know that in Europe the worm is turning. Vending
machines selling raw milk that pours into your own bottles are popping up in
commercial centers. People just got tired of crap milk and got scared after
the EU tried to make unpasteurized milk cheeses unlawful. They hadn't
realized that about 75% of European cheeses fit that description.

There are very strict standards for who can produce it and how, and loads of
advice on who may safely use it. The main possible problem is TB or Bang's
disease. Frequent inspections fix that.