Put up three more quarts of the "Dutch Luncheon Spears" from JOP
yesterday. That makes about eight quarts of those we've put up now. Made
with calcium chloride versus grape leaves they come out quite crispy.
Unfortunately I had to buy dill weed as ours got gobbled by an unknown
bug, brave bug to eat raw dill. <G>
Enough cukes and tomatoes are coming in to make a nice gazpacho about
twice a week, a tasty treat in our unusually hot weather.
AT&T dumped us from UseNet the fifteenth, I'm now posting via Giganews
as what used to be motzarella doesn't allow postings using any form of
AT&T address and I'm not ready to change as yet. Of course we have many
choices in this small town, either AT&T or the cable company, both of
whom have exorbitant rates for DSL service.