"RodS" > wrote in message
> Posted without comment :-)
> Worst Breakfast in America
> Bob Evans Stacked and Stuffed Carmel Banana Pecan Hotcakes
> 1,543 calories
> 77 g fat (26 g saturated, 9 g trans)
> 2,259 mg sodium
> 198 g carbs
> 109 g sugars
> More here ;
> http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/310512...rst_Breakfasts
> or
> http://tinyurl.com/oh4foo
> (- -)
> =m=(_)=m=
> RodS T2
> Australia
I stopped in at a Bob Evans for a cup of bean soup while I was on vacation
recently. It would have been very good except that I had forgotten how
*extremely high* it is in sodium. Most soups are over-salted, but this
seemed worse than most.
While we were there, I saw a picture of the "Stacked and Stuffed Carmel
Banana Pecan Hotcakes" that you mentioned. I would probably have liked them
when I was a youngster (and maybe even years after that), but now all I
could think about was how unhealthy and laden with calories it would be.
Looking at your figures, it appears that I was right!