What to drink with birthday cake
Victor Sack wrote:
>> And if the cake has good "deepness" of tastes, then even a raisin
>> wine would do well, I'm thinking of Moscato di Pantelleria, Passito
>> di Pantelleria but also raisin wines from the north, alas harder to
>> find, as Loazzolo.
> I'd say that the wines you mention, as well as some others in this
> vein, such as Vin Santo (particularly from Tuscany if made with the
> "passito" method), Torcolato and Acininobili by Maculan (Breganze
> DOC, Veneto),
Both tested and liked, even the Dindarello, also by Maculan. Very good
> and also such fortified wines (vini liquorosi) as
> Dulcis by Lungarotti (Umbria) - very generally speaking - do not
> really go all that well with desserts, unless specifically matched
> with particular ones.
In fact I specified that the cake must have a certain deepness, regarding
> They are better drunk on their own, maybe
> accompanied by biscotti or similar, at most. Otherwise, the desserts
> and the wines tend to "interfere" with rather than complement each
> other. I'd say that this applies to most "dessert" wines.
Interference between a good Passito di Pantelleria and a glazed cake? I
can't see none. Vene if there's cream (where I have suggested a sparkler
like Moscato d'Asti) there would be no major issues. OTOH I like to drink
these wines alone, as if they were a course of the meal.
Cantuccini must be eaten with vinsanto because they're damn too hard to eat
as they are, and biscotti don't match up well with so sweet wines.
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