In article >,
Bob Muncie > wrote:
> The Ranger wrote:
> > On Jul 17, 3:35 pm, Bob Muncie > wrote:
> >
> >>>> Choose one:
> >>>> A. Got up on the wrong side of the bed
> >>>> B. Borderline Personality Disorder
> >>>> C. Bad toilet training
> >>>> D. He's an aXX hole
> >>>> E. All of the above
> >
> >>> I choose E, Ms. Lynn. That's my final choice.
> >
> >
> >> But Ranger, you did not frame that in the form of a question... You Lose!
> >
> > Alex-Bob! We're not playing Jeopardy! I didn't need to choose my topic
> > amount. (I also didn't need to use a lifeline.)
> And that's okay. I even like smarty pants. As long as you are amusing,
> I'll read.
> Bob
Not only is his writings always amusing, he's a helluva good cook and
has posted some good recipes here and on the recipe group. :-)
In fact, he's the only one that has posted recipes there lately! I need
to post a few of my regular ones...
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.