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Default Overcharge and Attitude

Steve Pope wrote:
> The Ranger > wrote:
>> On Jul 17, 12:10 pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:

>>> It's impossible for any of use reading this to know what
>>> went down from hearing just one side of this story.

>>> One possibility is you were mistaken, the original bill
>>> was correct, and you invoked the nuclear option without
>>> just cause. Or someone within your party did something
>>> less than completely civil towards the waitstaff at some point
>>> without your being aware of it. It's really difficult
>>> to rule out any scenario, unless one is omniscient.

>> Mistakes on my part are not unheard of but mistakes from SWMBO are as
>> rare as hens' teeth, especially when dealing with receipts.

>> As far as me missing something my party did (or didn't) do... I'm not
>> really worried about that, either, because it's not his job to "teach
>> us." He clearly stepped over the line and I won't be anyone's patsy. I
>> don't need abuse when I dine out because someone is having an off
>> moment. If we made a mistake on the bill, there are many ways to
>> handle it; tossing it at the table was not it.

> Oh, I agree by any objective standard he misbehaved. I'm just
> saying that by just hearing one side of the story, I do not
> and cannot know the total circumstances, and with a group size
> as large as 12, it's hard for anybody to track the total
> circumstances.
>> What would you have done, Steve?

> Assuming the service up until that point was average quality,
> I would have left him a low (but not zero) tip. Under some
> (but not all) circumstances I would have further communicated
> with the management, but probably not on the spot.
> Steve

Good answer.
