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Phil..c Phil..c is offline
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Posts: 107
Default Overcharge and Attitude

Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq. wrote:
> Phil..c wrote:
>> The Ranger wrote:
>> > On Jul 17, 5:00 pm, "jmcquown" wrote:
>> >
>> >> "The Ranger" wrote in message
>> >> ndwidth...
>> >
>> >
>> > So what would _you_ have done had the waiter cheekily tossed the
>> > receipt on the table after adjusting his error?

>> I would have said thanks for adjusting, then written a note to the
>> waiter asking if he had seen too many episodes of fAwlty towers

> *Chuckle* good one! i once had an overcharging attitude situation in a
> rocery store, after the clerk got all hot and bothered by my pointing
> out a discrepancy i said to him "your a Virgo arent you?" ..... floored
> him! didnt have a comeback other than to admit that, yes he is a Virgo.
> He was trying to confuse me with jargon and double talk into just
> accepting his over ring and not argueing about it.
> It defused a situation and rather than shuffling my purchases aside
> while the manager settled the dispute he just made a simple correction
> and i was on my way.

Hi Joe , I am not sure about this story something just does not feel
right. It may be just the US Idiom . However having had more than a few
bills mucked up and many MANY years ago having worked part time jobs
in kitchens and out at the tables things can get stuffed up .

I adopt the well no big deal attitude and ask the waiter if would not
mind double checking what ever the issue is (be it wrong order
wrong mixer in the drink or an error in the bill )

And always say when you get a chance please mate or lass etc
very rare to have a problem .

I now do recall a problem decades ago and was actually in the states
the bloke was off his tits on something (see later on ) and really was
the waiter from a Marx bros type situation with dreadful halitosis
and this is in a swanky hotel .

Bill was really a shambles (turned out to be another tables )
he at first said that's the bill what do you think is wrong with it
and was obviously having a real bad hair day .

This is where my you never know the other persons pain reflex kicks in.

So I said (in my broadest Aussie accent -this is pre croc Dundee
days ) Look cobber I loved the food the service was entertaining
and the last thing I want is to annoy the staff in case you you take a
leak in the soup when we come back -------

He just cracked up and then took the bill and got it sorted .
Came back and said your safe next time -where are you from etc etc .

Problem solved - In fact when we did return he apologised for being
weird and there were reasons for him being a bit off three days earlier.

Turned out to be a thoroughly decent chap and the service was opposite
to before . Also he got tipped both times Nothing flash just an
adequate tip

While writing this another two funny incidents have returned .

One of my best mates an ABC (Australian born Chinese)
although ex Dux of Melbourne Grammar school & gifted engineer

Owns a couple of Restaurants (because more money in them than being an
Engineer )

In the days when I could afford to be a Sir Lunch a lot we used to
settle in regularly at his place a real gang of--------- well lunatics
from diverse fields and professions.

Noel was a good & gracious as well as generous host to all of us and
food was and still is SUPERB .

Long story short a real arsehole got all fired up
and called Noel a stupid slope and to stuff off where he came from

SILENCE from our Corner table just as Animal was about to rise and
tear this fool apart .
Noel quickly diffused the situation with mock Asian Accent

Slow SLORRY you all rook arike to me -----------

This just splintered us. Animal started clapping and many others
even the non regulars just splintered some gave the thumbs up

Arsehole paid the bill without another word and was dragged out
by his companions (poor *******s)

BTW Animal is well over 6 foot ex Rugby International
and does not mind a blue but thankfully has a VERY long fuse

In a later mail will tell the story
of the Blue Steak The Texan (in Australia )
Cigar and $800 call girl

Funny as heck if any one wants to hear it .

Back to Ranger ------------ I would have handled it VERY differently