Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> Michel Boucher > wrote:
>> Melba's Jammin' > wrote in news:barbschaller-
>> :
>>> If you could filter out all the off topic crap you'd probably be down to
>>> maybe 40 posts.
>> And then there would be no point in coming here.
> Oh, I don't know. If the posts are cooking related, they can inspire
> discussion ‹ there does not have to be 100 on topic posts for that.
I killfile posters rather than threads, so I'm left with the people who
actually post about food most of the time.
ObFood: Made wonderful chiles rellenos yesterday. Best I've ever had, if
I do say so myself, and I do.
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all other human conflict will not survive an online argument with
humourless feminists who are not afraid to throw rape around as an
example, your theory needs work." -- Aqua, alt.polyamory