George Leppla wrote:
> "Pete C." > wrote
> > McDonald's has been in business all those years by being everywhere and
> > by catering to hell spawn... er... kids. Both Burger King and Wendy's
> > have much better burgers.
> If you are in the right area of the US, Whataburger blows them both away.
I'm in the right area of the US, but I don't care for whataburger for
various reasons. The burgers at Sonic, also in this area, are fairly
decent. Of course going outside the fast food thing, Fudruckers does a
pretty good burger.
Still, it's difficult to top a home made burger using fresh ground
non-oxidized meat promptly cooked over very hot charcoal to crispy
outside, rare inside.
> McDonalds is a great example of how advertising can create a perception and
> customer loyalty.
It's all about the marketing and hype, although even that sometimes
fails as was the case when Krispy Creme came to the northeast and failed
within a couple years.