ping: cookbook collectors
Victor Sack wrote:
> Jean B. > wrote:
>> Do any of you know of a good email list for cookbook collectors?
>> I'd love to rattle on and on about these things but think most
>> people here would be really bored. The only list I have found
>> seems to be mostly for dealers with books to sell. Almost no
>> discussion at all.
>> Of course, I'd prefer an NG, but I don't think any such thing exists!
> You could always post an RFD for the or
>, if you or someone else is willing to do
> the necessary work. That is how Big Eight newsgroups are created.
> Setting up an alt.* newsgroup is easier, but getting it propagated is
> harder.
> Discussing cookbooks here on rfc would be no great problem, either, as
> far as I am concerned. Most people would probably be bored, indeed, but
> that is probably true with a lot of other perfectly legitimate subjects
> of discussion.
> Victor
Well, my aim isn't to bore people. Do you (or anyone else here)
know where one can read about setting up an NG? Probably just
doing a yahoo group would be easier, if the one possibility I
found doesn't pan out.
I do occasionally think of a running cookbook thread here. This
group has seen worse things!
Jean B.