cookbook collectors
Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 10:10:41 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> I'm not, however, trying to cook my way through 1000+ cookbooks. I
>>> enjoy reading them, but I don't feel I have to make something from every
>>> single one of them.
>>> Jill
>> I don't think I have to cook from all of them either, Jill.
> And I certainly don't cook from all of mine either!! But sometimes I
> will start thinking of some particular idea or dish, and I will go to
> my books and start exploring. That is fun in itself!!
> Christine
Yes, I agree. Although sometimes I have to remember that I
actually have books on whatever topic comes to mind.
I had a bit of a scare yesterday. I reorganized some of my books
a while ago, so my James Beard, American Cookery was not where it
had lived for years. I THOUGHT I knew where I had moved it to--a
bookcase that now holds some classic US cookbooks, and some books
on US regional cooking. (I say "some", because I quickly ran out
of space even after reorganizing!) But it wasn't there. Panic!
Then I vaguely recalled that it might be on top of another
bookcase. Pshew! (I am unhappy that this has lost its cover. I
THINK I may have removed it almost 20 years ago and put it into a
box. If that is so, I hope that box is not amongst the missing.)
Jean B.