"brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> "Stu" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 06:35:41 -0400, "jmcquown" >
>> wrote:
> wrote in message
>>>> Is catfish alright to grill? I mean will it fall apart, or what's a
>>>> good
>>>> way and
>>>> recipe to cook it. I have a three burner gas grill. Thanks.
>>>Catfish grills very well. It is a flaky fish, however, and WILL fall
>>>(you want it cooked through). You can buy an enclosed fish basket for
>>>grilling. Reynolds used to make grill foil sheets that worked great for
>>>things like fish. As with anything that worked well, they making it 
>> I always used the tin foil on the top rack of the grill with.
> With foil why bother with a grill... may as well a fry pan on a stove top.
> For grilling delicate fish wrap in leaves, buy banana leaves at any
> Hispanic market... any leafy greens will work, lettuce, collards, nappa is
> nice.
I misttyped... Reynolds QUIT making the grill foil. And by the way, their
grill foil was to keep food from falling through the grates when things like
fish was flaky. It was extra heavy and had holes in it to let juices drip
down. It worked very well so of course they stopped making it.
I love the way people say to just go to "any Hispanic" or "any Asian" market
and any "farmers market", as if they're on every street corner in every town
USA. Sorry, that's not where I live.