On Jul 21, 5:13*pm, Food Snob® > wrote:
> My dog is named, "Dog the Dog." *
Not a very original name.
> He is a sheepdog.
Do you mean the breed, or that he tends sheep.
> I have a cat too. *The cat is crazy. *She climbs the walls.
Climbs the walls? How?
> *One good thing about her is that she never begs for people food.
Not even fish?
> --Bryan
OK. As you can see the replying poster replied after the part of the
original post that was relevant. One could reply to the whole post at
the end, but answering point by point is more organized. One could
omit the original poster's sig, but leaving it in (At least the name.
Other parts of the sig can be snipped) is a reminder to anyone else
reading it who was being answered. The replying poster's sig is
automatically tacked onto the end by newsreaders. Since I use
GoogleGroups, I have to add it manually. Again, at the very end.