Kate replied to Sheldon:
>> Blackberries and black raspberries are synonymous, they're a cultivar of
>> the same plant,
> same as red raspberries, purple raspberries, yellow
>> raspberries... there are hundreds of varietals/hybrids.
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackberry
> Nowhere in this article does it say anything about black
> raspberries being a variety of blackberries.
Kate, you made a few elementary mistakes:
1. You assume that Sheldon is amenable to reason.
2. You assume that Sheldon actually READS the links he posts.
3. You assume that any fact, no matter how ironclad, has the same authority
as the voices in Sheldon's head.
As to the Wikipedia page Sheldon quoted, allow me to point out that the
article does not say that black raspberries are NOT blackberries. Therefore,
under "Sheldon Logic," black raspberries MUST be blackberries. By that same
logic, present only when Sheldon is posting, black raspberries are also
strawberries, pineapples, aloe vera, dachshunds, double-decker buses,
Michelle Obama, and Tajikistan.
You can expect Sheldon to call you a know-nothing TIAD douchebag any minute
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubus_occidentalis says this about black
"The black fruit makes them look like Blackberries, though this is only
superficial, with the taste being unique and not like either the red
raspberry or the blackberry. In much of the Mid-Atlantic United States,
black raspberries are simply called Blackberries, even though they are not."