Thread: Grilled catfish
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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Default Grilled catfish

Sheldon lied again:

> Whadaya 'spect... the only fish twilly knows is canned tuna... have you
> ever seen anything he claims to have cooked... I thought not... neither
> have I.

I posted pictures of last Thanksgiving's dinner and last Memorial Day's
dinner. So has just been caught in a lie, hasn't he?

Sheldon, if you want me to post more pictures so that you can learn how to
cook, all you have to do is beg. Post pictures of yourself on your knees
begging me for photos, and I'll post photos more often. The pictures YOU
have posted reveal that you are not even competent at browning meat, so
you're in desperate need of the instruction.

> Twilly just reads foodie stuff on the net and then boasts like he
> actually did it himself...

Please provide an example of one such incident. Can't do it, can you? That's
because you just lied AGAIN.

> be very wary of anyone who claims to have actually done everything they
> post about, those types rarely if ever have done anything.

NOW we're getting somewhere! Sheldon, you recognize that you are not able to
cook ANYTHING I've cooked, and so in your envy you assume that NOBODY could
cook as I do. Well, you're wrong, but you ought to be used to that by now.

> don't be surprised if he doesn't wait a few months and then when the
> opportunity presents itself will boast about how he poaches fish in
> leaves, even in its skin....

I wrap fish up if I'm going to steam it, but not if I poach it, because I
want the fish to take on some of the flavor of the cooking liquid. I rarely
poach fish anyway; the last time fish I poached was a chunk of sea bass for
Christmas Eve 2003; it was poached in a broth flavored with lemons, soy
sauce, and onions.

If you're going to wrap the fish up, I'd recommend wrapping it in parchment
and cooking it in the oven. You can regulate the heat easily, you can add a
wide array of flavorings (e.g., Lapsang Souchong tea and orange peel with
salmon), the flavors are contained so they infuse the fish with flavor
better, and you don't have to worry about leakage. (Leakage is a constant
concern with Sheldon; his ass is so big it strains his Depends to the
breaking point.)
