The "$100.00 Gourmet Burger "
JERRY wrote:
> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 08:33:27 -0500, Pete C. wrote:
>>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>>> The QP with cheese, for
>>>> example, is nothing but mushy mass of overly sweet goo with no
>>>> texture except the lone pickle slice. You simply can't make
>>>> something like that at home - why would you?
>>> I've always had two pickle slices on my QPs, perhaps they cut back
>>> recently?
>> They just slice them paper thin. The last QP I got had the two
>> slices, but they were folded in half right next to each other making
>> them appear as one.
>> -sxw
> Uhh wait a minute, hold the damn phone right there steve...
> You said you only eat at mcdonald's twice a year yet... not one day after
> the subject of pickle's comes up about mcdonald's burger, you instantly
> recall your last experiene with mcdoanld's pickles? Not only did you happen
> to know exactly how many pickle slices there was, but THIER DAMN ARRANGEMENT
> ON THE BUN?????
> Something's wrong here steve. There's no ****ing way you eat thier two
> times a year. You eat thier every damn day.
Kids will argue about the darndest things