The "$100.00 Gourmet Burger "
Bob Muncie wrote:
> Scott wrote:
>> JERRY wrote:
>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 08:33:27 -0500, Pete C. wrote:
>>>>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>>>>> The QP with cheese, for
>>>>>> example, is nothing but mushy mass of overly sweet goo with no
>>>>>> texture except the lone pickle slice. You simply can't make
>>>>>> something like that at home - why would you?
>>>>> I've always had two pickle slices on my QPs, perhaps they cut back
>>>>> recently?
>>>> They just slice them paper thin. The last QP I got had the two
>>>> slices, but they were folded in half right next to each other making
>>>> them appear as one.
>>>> -sxw
>>> Uhh wait a minute, hold the damn phone right there steve...
>>> You said you only eat at mcdonald's twice a year yet... not one day
>>> after
>>> the subject of pickle's comes up about mcdonald's burger, you instantly
>>> recall your last experiene with mcdoanld's pickles? Not only did you
>>> happen
>>> to know exactly how many pickle slices there was, but THIER DAMN
>>> ON THE BUN?????
>>> Something's wrong here steve. There's no ****ing way you eat thier two
>>> times a year. You eat thier every damn day.
>> Kids will argue about the darndest things
> Funny you should post to that concept. The analogy that came to my mind
> is that this is like having a couple of dogs in adjoining yards, that
> will never have access to the other due to the fence in between. And yet
> they continue to yap at each other no mater what.
And they obviously find it a mutually entertaining pastime. My Zane
will lounge on the deck for hours, waiting for Polly or Riley or Lila or
Mindy to be let out, just so he can run the fence line and mouth off at
them. Most of the time it's just racing and growling and low-pitched
roo-rooing but it occasionally escalates into full-volume yapping, at
which point I call "game over" and make him come inside.
Fun is fun but obviously some people need someone to grab them by the
collar and drag them off before they make an obnoxious nuisance of