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Dan Logcher
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Default pan-asian noodles

Steve Wertz wrote:

> On 07 May 2004 01:34:26 GMT, wrote:
>>And rice soup (Thai - cao tom) with pork, shrimp or chicken, and a spice
>>tray on the side. Very popular with the Asian late-night crowd in
>>Hollyweird anyhow (me and my kids, too). I like Singha with it.

> For a malt liquor, I could never catch a buzz off of Singha. It
> taste good - nice and string, but it just doesn't absorb for me,
> or sumptin. I sure wish I could get come Crazy Horse.

How many have you had at one time?

> Wonmdering what ever happened to it, it seems they got sued by the
> Indians and had to take it off the market:
> "The settlement agreement provides for a public apology and
> acknowledgment of the Estate's right to protect the name of Crazy
> Horse, and for delivery of culturally appropriate damages-seven
> race horses and thirty-two Pendleton blanket, braids of tobacco
> and sweet grass, in compensation for this insult and defamation to
> the spirit of Crazy Horse."

Just goes to show, what goes around comes around.

> Sweet grass? No bongs to go with it?

Some info about sweetgrass.. Maybe she should have given bongs or pipes.
