Qestion regaring gas stoves
Kswck wrote:
> "Pete C." > wrote in message
> ster.com...
> >
> > Kswck wrote:
> >>
> >> The question is why it takes so long to heat up. Read the post again.
> >
> > The questions in your original post we
> >
> > "Is this a problem that would require a service call?", "Can a tech fix
> > this?" and "Or
> > is it time to scrap the oven?".
> >
> > The statement in your post which you seen to be referring to as if it
> > were a question was:
> >
> > "It has always taken long to heat up/cool down, but seems longer
> > lately."
> >
> > Noting that you specified "heat up/cool down, but seems longer lately"
> > you are indicating that both the heating and cooling cycles seem longer
> > to you lately.
> >
> > Perhaps english isn't your first language, or perhaps the comment on
> > your perception of time changing is accurate.
> It doesn't make any sense to try and speed up the cool down rate. I thought
> you would have the sense to read the sentence as the problem heating up.
> Guess not.
For your benefit, here is the question you are apparently trying to ask,
composed properly in english:
"My gas oven has always been slow to heat and lately is seems even
slower, is this something that would require a service call or is it
time for a new oven?"