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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 06:59:55 -0700 (PDT), Bobo Bonobo® wrote:

> On Jul 22, 8:30*am, blake murphy > wrote:
>> On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 15:41:00 -0700 (PDT), Bobo Bonobo® wrote:
>>> On Jul 21, 5:13*pm, Food Snob® > wrote:
>>>> My dog is named, "Dog the Dog." *

>>> Not a very original name.

>>>> He is a sheepdog.

>>> Do you mean the breed, or that he tends sheep.

>>>> I have a cat too. *The cat is crazy. *She climbs the walls.

>>> Climbs the walls? *How?

>>>> *One good thing about her is that she never begs for people food.

>>> Not even fish?

>>>> --Bryan

>>> --Bryan

>>> _______________________________________________

>>> OK. *As you can see the replying poster replied after the part of the
>>> original post that was relevant. *One could reply to the whole post at
>>> the end, but answering point by point is more organized. *One could
>>> omit the original poster's sig, but leaving it in (At least the name.
>>> Other parts of the sig can be snipped) is a reminder to anyone else
>>> reading it who was being answered. *The replying poster's sig is
>>> automatically tacked onto the end by newsreaders. *Since I use
>>> GoogleGroups, I have to add it manually. *Again, at the very end.

>> why? *anyone can tell from the beginning of the message who you are
>> replying to. *you mean to tell me you *make a special effort* to include
>> the original poster's name after your reply? *how foolish.

> Not deleting doesn't require special effort. You are a real asshole,
> and you are a real asshole who just happens to have a personal dislike
> of me.

you have it backward. i dislike you because you are a real asshole, a
person who feels himself put-upon by anyone who doesn't think as you do.

>When you criticize me, you have no credibility because it is
> so obvious that you are chomping at the bit to find any fault in
> anything that I write. As nasty as you are to me, you can be
> sickeningly patronizing to some of the others here. It's pathetic.
>I see why Andy hates you so much, though I don't share that hate because
> you really do seem pathetic.

yeah, you and andy *really* make me seem pathetic.

> Oh, and if you had read carefully you'd have seen that it was MY sig
> that I had to add manually because of using a web-based newsreader.

it's a poor workman who blames his tools. why don't you trim off the
superfluous sign when you add your own? i repeat, i've *never* seen anyone
trim the way you do.
