On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 15:19:09 -0700 (PDT), projectile vomit chick wrote:
> On Jul 21, 5:21*pm, Chemo the Clown > wrote:
>> On Jul 21, 3:13*pm, Food SnobŪ > wrote:
>>> My dog is named, "Dog the Dog." *He is a sheepdog.
>>> I have a cat too. *The cat is crazy. *She climbs the walls. *One good
>>> thing about her is that she never begs for people food.
>>> --Bryan
>> I have a house. In it, is furniture. There is also a kitchen with
>> appliances. There are walls that divide up the house into seperate
>> rooms. There are also houses close by.
> When I inhale, air goes into my lungs. When I eat food. It goes into
> my stomach.
i thought your gig was food coming *out* of your stomach.