ping: cookbook collectors
On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 09:00:02 -0400, Jean B. wrote:
> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> Jean B. wrote:
>>> Hehe. Well, we seem to be discussing cookbooks in that thread
>>> anyway, so maybe this will just evolve!
>> Quite so. Can't get much more food/cooking-related than discussing
>> cookbooks <lol>. FWIW, I'm enjoying this thread... My Mom had some of
>> the T-L cookbooks - brings back some good memories.
> I am especially leaning toward that evolution/posting here after
> looking at the link that Sandi posted. Immediate problems I
> foresee: determining the number of cookbook-related posts across
> all newsgroups over the past three months. (I am reminded that
> google has screwed up the group search by combined ngs and email
> groups, etc. Someone once posted a link to the old search
> function, and maybe that would help, but it would seem daunting to
> search across all ngs.)
if you mean the old google newgroup search, it is he
you can use wildcards in the groups to search function, but it might still
be daunting.
your pal,