What to make for a cancer patient and family?
blake murphy wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 21:30:53 -0400, Goomba wrote:
> > Mark Thorson wrote:
> >
> >> Obviously not. Note that neither of the posters
> >> who advocated eating anything you want has responded
> >> to the issue of food-provoked modulation of the
> >> drug clearance mechanisms. I happen to be rather
> >> familiar with these mechanisms, and I know I'm right.
> >> These people have propagated very bad advice that
> >> could send people to an early death. Don't expect
> >> me to be quiet when I see fools giving such bad
> >> advice. Food-drug interactions are not something
> >> to be dismissed lightly.
> >
> > Don't go patting yourself on the back so soon.
> > SOME drugs are potentiated by grapefruit for example. That doesn't mean
> > all drugs are. So should anyone taking any medicine give up all
> > grapefruit products?
> well, i drink a lot of grapefruit juice, but i don't take any drugs but
> ibuprofen. is there a site outlining metabolic effects on regular people?
I'm not aware of any, but I haven't gone looking
for one. I get most of my information through PubMed,
both the abstracts and the full articles which I
obtain at a local medical school library. I've
got a couple file boxes of papers on drug clearance
Food is an important modulator, but the problem is
much more serious for certain herbs. St. John's Wort
strongly activates drug clearance mechanisms, to the
extent that it has provoked rejection in organ
transplant recipients taking cyclosporin and failure
of birth control drugs.