Who is the best Italian Cook?
JuanGuady wrote:
> So I have been looking for a chef to emulate.. And I think that I
> finally found him. His name is Michael White! The great thing about
> him is that he started out small just like all of us. He didn't have
> to live in some crazy town in the middle of Italy. So I have finally
> found the dude that I am trying to be!
I've never heard of Michael White.
> Who do you think is the best? Check out who is the best..
The best to learn from must be Lidia Bastianich.
In particular, her instructions are rich in
technique, like Jacques Pepin is for French food.
Both of those people have a restaurant background,
so their advice would be very practical for a
professional chef. Note that Julia Child never
operated a restaurant, and sometimes that shows.
I remember a show she did with Pepin, and she was
destemming the spinach for a dish, and Jacques
was chiding for that, saying something about how
you don't have time for that in a restaurant.
I'd say the worst is Nick Stellino. He really lost it
for me when he made ravioli by opening up a package
of pre-made refrigerated ravioli.