Qestion regaring gas stoves
Kswck wrote:
> I own a Tappan-about 10 years or so.
> Takes 45-60 minutes to heat up to 350deg. For some reason, setting it on
> 450 then turning it down to 350 is faster. Takes forever to coll down as
> well. It has always taken long to heat up/cool down, but seems longer
> lately.
A well insulated stove should take a long time to cool.
> Is this a problem that would require a service call? Can a tech fix this?
> Or is it time to scrap the oven?
What kind of gas, natural or propane? If your top burners are operating
correctly then they have the proper orifices and it's only your oven that's
taking a long while to heat you may need the oven's regulator properly
set... there should be a couple of little plastic gizmos included with the
stove, one for natural gas and one for propane. Call your gas company, if
propane they will check it out for free... with natural gas each utility
will respond differently but if you call and say you smell gas they will
send a tech immediately, then while checking for leaks you can mention about
the slow oven heating and suggest that perhaps that's causing the odor, they
will probably check it out and make the adjustment for free, takes like five
minutes if you have the part. Look for a brown envelope taped to your
stove, in the utility drawer or behind the stove... it will typically
contain the orifices amd plastic part for the regulator with directions, and
a wiring diagram. If you're handy you can probably make the change
yourself, but turn off the gas main and unplug the electric too. Also check
your owner's manual, it may mention about the regulator setting... and there
will be info at the Tappen web site, in fact you can phone their customer
service number, describe your problem, and they will help you.