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Chemiker Chemiker is offline
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Default Qestion regaring gas stoves

On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 17:58:01 -0500, George Shirley
> wrote:

>Kswck wrote:
>> I own a Tappan-about 10 years or so.
>> Takes 45-60 minutes to heat up to 350deg. For some reason, setting it on 450
>> then turning it down to 350 is faster. Takes forever to coll down as well.
>> It has always taken long to heat up/cool down, but seems longer lately.
>> Is this a problem that would require a service call? Can a tech fix this? Or
>> is it time to scrap the oven?

>It's taking much longer to heat up to 350F than it should. They
>generally take a good bit of time to cool down, particularly if the door
>is left closed. Ovens, even those ten or more years old are pretty well
>insulated. I would check the gas feed to the stove to ensure you have
>full flow and that the piping is the correct size. Size and flow would
>depend upon the maker I suppose. I would suggest you call a service tech
>in, a ten-year old stove should perform better than it is.
>I have never timed how long it takes my gas stove to heat up to 350 but
>I'm pretty sure it isn't 45-60 minutes.

No argument here, George. My Jenn-Aire gas oven will get to 450 in
about 25 minutes, IIRC. Sounds like there's some blockage in the
gas flow, or maybe grease-clogged burners.....
