McDonalds® "Old School" Cheeseburger
On Jul 24, 6:09*am, John Kuthe > wrote:
> On Jul 24, 3:56*am, Ronald McDonald. <e...@up.****> wrote:
> > Cook the burgers using the regular hamburger recipe and place one THIN
> > slice of american cheese on the crown side before adding meat patty.
> > Don't use Kraft singles or Velveeta. (or anything termed as "American
> > processed cheese FOOD) Use only real American cheese. That is KEY!
> > Please Note****
> > Most slices of American cheese are too big for McDonald's®
> > cheeseburgers. So take about 1/4" off two edges to make a smaller
> > square.
> > McDonald's® Bacon Double-Cheeseburger
> > Ingredients:
> > 2 prepared beef patties
> > 1 prepared bun
> > 2 American cheese slices
> > 1 slice Oscar Mayer® Ready Made bacon
> > Prepare the beef patties and buns as directed in the regular hamburger
> > recipe. Dress the bun the same way.
> > Microwave the pre-cooked bacon for about 15-20 seconds, tear it in
> > half, and lay the pieces side by side on the dressed crown. Follow
> > that with one slice of cheese. Put cooked beef patty #1 on top of the
> > cheese, add another slice of cheese and then beef patty #2. Add the
> > toasted heel and wrap in a 12"x16" sheet of waxed paper. (see cooking
> > regular hamburgers for wrapping directions) Let sit for 5-7 minutes,
> > then microwave (still wrapped) for 15 seconds until hot.
> > Enjoy a classic bacon double cheeseburger!
> Why on earth would I ever want to make a McCraps cheeseburger? They
> were never any good really.
> One of my criteria for eating out is would I make the food I get out
> at home, if I could? If not, why am I paying perfectly good money for
> it out? And that leaves FastFood crap out almost completely!
One can't make a McDonald's burger at home. I can easily see thinking
they are crappy and not wanting to, but one couldn't anyway. The OP
is an idiot.
Some fast food is good. Del Taco's bean & cheese burritos are great.
Personally, I can think of quite a few fast food items that I would
prefer to most of the recipes posted here, including everything that
you have posted recently.
1. Del Taco B&C burrito, extra green
2. Lion's Choice roast beef sandwich
3 Del taco chicken soft taco, no secret sauce, plus green
4. Popeye's spicy fried chicken (though the pieces are tiny and WAY
5. Steak'n Shake triple steakburger
6. Steak'n Shake chili
The folks out in Cali nearly all speak well of In-N-Out Burger. We
now have Red Robin here, which I've yet to try. Same with Johnny
Rockets, but I just registered for both of their e-clubs. Not all
fast food is crap.
Hey, are you involved in that unionization effort?
> John Kuthe