TN:SOBER does Gaia, Chave, Donnhoff, DDC, Soldera, Truchot,Mugneret,Overnoy,Sauzet, etc
Great tasting!
DaleW wrote:
> #2 lemon curds and limes, fresher, lovely, a little pleasantly funky,
> guesses centered around Meursault. 1992 Overnoy Arbois Pupillin B+/A-
fascinating! Arbois can be a real conundrum...
> Flight #6 (with a nice stew with chicken and sausage)
> #1Blackberries and cassis (though others noted blueberries), lively,
> good finish, quite a flight that this was my second favorite. 1991
> Clape Cornas
> A-
Great year, great producer, great bottle. Haven't had for many years,
wish I'd saved some.
> #2 Floral nose, deep red fruit, pavement, meat, olives, fantastic
> length, a better bottle of the 1983 Jean-Louis Chave Hermitage than
> one we had last year. A/A-
A real tribute that the Clape was the 2nd favorite of the flight!