Fried Prosciutto
On Jul 23, 5:51*pm, George > wrote:
> Mark Thorson wrote:
> > One of the biggests wastes of TV is Martha Stewart's
> > Everyday Food show. *It's always the most mundane
> > stuff, like Sloppy Joes, lettuce and tomato salad
> > with dressing, sugar cookies, etc. *It's not like
> > Lidia Bastianich or Jacques Pepin where I'm being
> > shown stuff I've never done or don't know how to do.
> > If there's nothing else food-related on TV, I'll
> > turn on Everyday Food while doing something else.
> Maybe, but have you considered the population that think you need
> "sloppy joe mix"? If it gives anyone a start it isn't so bad.
A friend of mine taught an nightschool "intro to cooking" course at
community college and started with how to crack an egg.
John Kane, Kingston ON Canada