Fried Prosciutto
Lou Decruss wrote:
> Stewart and her recipes are totally useless. I have a friend
> who runs an upscale nail salon. I stopped in and witnessed a Martha
> bash. They all liked looking at the pictures but not one of the dozen
> women would ever use any of her recipes ever again. The consensus was
> "they never work."
> Emeril gets bashed here big time but at least his recipes produce
> edible food for the everyday cook. I've learned enough over the years
> that I use recipes mainly for inspiration. I find nothing inspiring
> about MS recipes.
Martha bashing has become de riguer, or seems to me anyway. Having said
that, I do have one of her cookbooks and in its case, at least, Lou's
first sentence is spot on. It's one I'm going to give away, maybe
someone else can find something redeeming and/or useful in it.
I've watched a few episodes of Everyday Cooking and find it to be useful
at times. And there are many folks, myself included at times, who need
the KISS of shows like this. What's the harm? I'd far rather watch EC
than most anything on Food Network.