OT-Ever have the taste of beer change?
Silent Stone > wrote:
>They say that tastes change as you get older...
>For some reason, over the last few months beer has been tasting too
>'malty' or too 'sweet'. I would take a sip and have to do the 'cough
>and shake' as if I'd just drank a cup of liquid caramel or swallowed a
>whole cadbury egg. So naturally I started moving from maltier beers
>(Sam Adams, various local micros) to lighter, paler ales.
Often people prefer less sweet beverages as they get older.
Often many beers taste cloying to me these days. So I don't
think you're alone.
It's possible for a good English ale to be malty without
being sweet-ish. If you can find St. Peters (either the
Organic Ale or Golden Ale) in bottles, you might like it.
(It's unusually expensive, but worth it IMO.)