In article >,
"Nancy Young" > wrote:
> Denise in NH wrote:
> > No, blackberries are not black raspberries.
> Went to the produce place today and noticed the sign said
> there were raspberries, black raspberries and blackberries
> ready for picking. I swore to pick strawberries this year, but that
> was not to be.
> Picked 2 1/2 pounds of blackberries. That was a blast. The guy
> could see we were rubes and gave us some advice on what to look
> for. I was happy when we returned to pay and he said You really
> found some good looking berries!
> nancy
Funny you mention blackberries. I just took 7 half pint jars and five
4-ounce jars from the waterbath. I've been listening to the symphony of
plinks as the jars seal. It's a pleasant sound.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - good news 4-6-2009
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle."
-Philo of Alexandria