Fried Gizzards
George Shirley wrote:
> Bob Muncie wrote:
>> Christopher Helms wrote:
>>> On Jul 24, 5:31 am, Bob Muncie > wrote:
>>>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>>>> I don't get it. I've ordered these at a few "diner-style" places
>>>>> and they are completely inedible. They're just so hard you can't
>>>>> even chew them. I'm assured that they were not undercooked and
>>>>> "that's how everybody likes them".
>>>>> There is one place I get them regularly for breakfast that uses a
>>>>> batter that helps them stand up to a 14 minute deep-fry so that they
>>>>> do tenderize slightly - enough that they're fairly edible. It's
>>>>> still like chewing rubber bands sometimes, and you have to get them
>>>>> to-go since they take a half hour to eat.
>>>>> So what's the verdict - do people really eat (and like) them after
>>>>> frying for only 6-8 minutes? Are they nuts?
>>>>> -sw
>>>> I use to get them often while growing up, at KFC. I every bit as much
>>>> looked those, as I did the regular/original chicken (when it was still
>>>> home cooked in nature).
>>>> You rarely even see the gizzards around anymore, and when you do, they
>>>> are probably cooked so rarely, the line chefs have little or no
>>>> experience cooking them,
>>>> Bob
>>> I haven't had KFC gizzards in ages. I loved them when I was growing
>>> up, too. I used to sill buy them from time to time until they started
>>> sneaking huge numbers of hearts and livers into the little styrofoam
>>> cup with the yummy gizzards.
>> I remember buying them by the pint for $.50 :-) Which happened to be
>> what I had for lunch money :-)
>> Bob
> In the late eighties the local Popeye's had a container full of fried
> hearts and livers for a buck. You had a ten-minute wait for them but I
> never minded the wait. I much prefer livers and hearts over gizzards any
> day.
George - The best heart I ever had was same day killed/dressed venison
heart. Thin sliced, and sauted in sweet butter with mushrooms and
onions, deglazed with red wine. First time I had sides of steamed
asparagus. and garlic mashed potatoes. You never forget you first loves.
Wife wouldn't try it, but that just left more heaven for me ;-) I think
I was playing the Temptations on the stereo (For your love, you send me).