ping: cookbook collectors
Victor Sack wrote:
> Jean B. > wrote:
>> I am especially leaning toward that evolution/posting here after
>> looking at the link that Sandi posted. Immediate problems I
>> foresee: determining the number of cookbook-related posts across
>> all newsgroups over the past three months. (I am reminded that
>> google has screwed up the group search by combined ngs and email
>> groups, etc. Someone once posted a link to the old search
>> function, and maybe that would help, but it would seem daunting to
>> search across all ngs.) Also, minor by comparison, I'd have to
>> find a different newsreader that allows one to post control messages.
> Be careful. Some people on alt.config tend to exaggerate their
> importance to the point of self-aggrandisement. The alt.* hierarchy is
> omitted by a lot of news providers as a whole. No one on alt.config,
> nor the the alt.config as a whole, can guarantee or promise anything
> definite at all. They do count, but that's all.
> As suggested before - and repeated very strongly - you are well advised
> to spend at least a few months reading news.groups - and that would
> apply for alt.config, too - to get some actual idea of what you are
> thinking to do.
> I'd also suggest you e-mail Brian Mailman and ask for his personal
> advice. He's been active on both news.groups and alt.config for a long
> time - and he used to be an rfc regular and is still a regular on at
> least one newsgroup. He is also is a moderator of the
> .
> Victor
Thanks, Victor. I have reached some of the same conclusions. I
may also have found a list about cookbooks that suits my needs.
If it proves to be as good as it seems, I will post more about it.
Oddly enough, I found it by mistake. In the course of trying to
find a site I had run into on preserving old cookbooks, I
actually got a list of yahoo groups, which was better than any I
had seen before.
Jean B.