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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default Fried Prosciutto

John Kuthe wrote:
> Liver is disgusting!! Do you know what the function of the liver is?
> Among other things, it's the first line filtration organ that filters
> all the TOXINS out of what you eat before they go to the rest of your
> body. Via the hepatic portal vein, nutrient and toxin rich blood comes
> from the small intestines and feeds directly into the liver, where the
> liver filters out the CRAP before that blood goes to the rest of your
> body!
> And you put that shit in your MOUTH??!! YUCK!!!! The turkey or
> chicken's liver already filtered out the toxins the turkey or chicken
> (or whatever beast you're eating) ate, and now you're gonna make YOUR
> liver do it all over again??!! Not ME buddy!
> Take an Anatomy and Physiology class, fer chrissakes! I did!

And apparently, it didn't take. The liver doesn't
store toxins. It's not some kind of garbage dump
or landfill for the human body. It metabolizes them.
It breaks them down into smaller molecules and sends
them back into the bloodstream to be passed out of
through other organs.