"Chemo the Clown" > wrote in message
On Jul 25, 10:31 am, Marcia > wrote:
> Does anyone know how to prepare the Kraft Deluxe Macaroni and Cheese
> Dinner in the microwave? If so can you please share. I wasn't aware
> the reciepe had been removed from the box. I was trying to prepare it
> for lunch. I would appreciate any help anyone can provide. I can find
> instructions for the regular box but not the deluxe box.
> Thanks,
I took the time to Google it for you!
The above refers to cooking the old original Kraft Mac and Cheese, not the
newer "KRAFT Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese Dinner" that Marcia was asking about.
From Walmart's Mac and Cheese, with the same weight of macaroni, add 1.75
cups water and macaroni to bowel. Microwave on high 7-8 minutes with stir
now and then. Add the usual .25cups milk, 4 TB butter, and cheese, then stir
and gobble away.
I've tried this compared to the Easy Mac, and while the original Mac and
Cheese tastes better it's somewhat of a pain to microwave. To either I add
extra cheese.