OT-Ever have the taste of beer change?
On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 12:02:57 -0700, "Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq."
> wrote:
>I was schocked, just schocked i tell's ya, the first time i tried a
>local micro-brewery's 'wheat beer' it took me right back to my German
>grand fathers home brew.
>Though recently i have become addicted to a local version of the
>Belgian Raspberry Beer, potent stuff though, one pint is enough to casue
>me to begin to recite 19th century English mystical poetry.
True, true! The Belgians have a *way* with beer. While the Czechs
would not think of adding *STUFF* to the malt, the Belgie do it with
style and the world is better for it, I think.
Alex, who's never drunk a Belgian beer he didn't like.