In article
John Kuthe > wrote:
> > There's another interesting phenomenon that pervades the "deep South",
> > obesity:
> >
> >
> >
> > See how it's been "growing" over the past few years! Ugh! :-( They
> > will eat anything down South, as long as it's fried! You know how you
> > know when you're in a fine southern restaurant? When the waitress asks
> > you "And how would you like that FRIED?"
> >
> > John Kuthe...
> I have no idea why the above site appears not to be working correctly
> right now. Every other time I've viewed it, it has a great graphic of
> the United States, and year by year it shows the state obesity
> percentages, color coded.
> I guess the site's broken now. Sorry!
> John Kuthe...
It matters not...
Frying is not what makes people fat.
Eating fat is not the evil that everyone makes it out to be.
I follow the Atkins diet for weight LOSS. I recently had to UP the fat
calories in my diet to get the scale moving a bit faster in the down
direction. I had cut it a bit too much to cut total calories.
My last triglyceride level I checked last Friday was 67. :-)
The fastest I've EVER lost weight was using the Atkins Fat Fast to break
a plateau. I lose an average of 1/2 lb. per day when I follow it.
1,000 calories per day, 90% fat, 5% protein and 5% carbs.
It's considered to be dangerous to follow it for too long as the weight
loss is so rapid.
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.