Fried Prosciutto
Giusi wrote:
> "Mark Thorson" ha scritto nel messaggio
>> At Trader Joe's, I bought a package of a cheap
>> prosciutto (Stockmeyer's, from Germany). I've
>> eaten this prosciutto often, and while not the
>> best, it's a very good value. You get a lot
>> for your money.
> You get crap for your money.
Yes, "Schinken" from Germany isn't prosciutto.
> Don't fry prosciutto crudo. The only
> reason to ever do that is to flavor some oil you will use to make
> something. There is nothing in the nature of prosciutto crudo that
> lends itself to frying. It turns boardy and fibrous if cooked in oil and
> turns back to pork if boiled.
Agree whole-heartedly.
> Each proscoitto crudo from various regions has its own flavor. My
> favorites are San Daniele from Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Parma from you
> know where.
Agree again ! The finest prosciuttos. The San Danielle melts on the tongue.
It would be a crime to fry it.
> They are less salty. Anyone who thinks prosciutto crudo
> needs to be cooked should stop cooking-- including Martha-- and anyone
> who thinks it has no distinctive flavor of its own has just signed his
> own certificate of TIAD.
Michael Kuettner