Bobo Bonobo® said...
> On Jul 26, 9:00*am, Andy > wrote:
>> How to drink beer.
>> A can or bottle should be drank a foam holder, again to
>> keep your hand/temp off the beer.
> If you're drinking garbage beer like Bud Light (you) or Old Milwaukee
> Light (me), I wouldn't think that the can would last long enough to
> get warm. Still, I don't keep it in my hand between drinks.
> Good tasting beer doesn't need to be ice cold.
>> Andy
> --Bryan
Until about year 2002, Pennsylvania was a blue state which meant no sale of
alcohol on Sunday!
The problems that presented are varied.
If you hosted a Sunday football game, you had to get your kegs on Saturday.
Then, you had to have enough ice (LOTS of ice) to keep it cold for Sunday.
And someone to replace the ice as it melted.
And then, you had kegs of ice cold beer sitting around on Saturday, which
caused a really really early pre-game party!
In Kalifornia I could fall out of bed at 10:00 AM on Sunday and have beer
AND football for breakfast. God, I miss the good ol' days!