McDonalds® "Old School" Cheeseburger
On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 02:08:02 -0500, JERRY wrote:
> "John Kuthe" > wrote in message
> ...
> On Jul 24, 3:56 am, Ronald McDonald. <e...@up.****> wrote:
>> Cook the burgers using the regular hamburger recipe and place one THIN
>> slice of american cheese on the crown side before adding meat patty.
>> Don't use Kraft singles or Velveeta. (or anything termed as "American
>> processed cheese FOOD) Use only real American cheese. That is KEY!
>> Please Note****
>> Most slices of American cheese are too big for McDonald's®
>> cheeseburgers. So take about 1/4" off two edges to make a smaller
>> square.
>> McDonald's® Bacon Double-Cheeseburger
>> Ingredients:
>> 2 prepared beef patties
>> 1 prepared bun
>> 2 American cheese slices
>> 1 slice Oscar Mayer® Ready Made bacon
>> Prepare the beef patties and buns as directed in the regular hamburger
>> recipe. Dress the bun the same way.
>> Microwave the pre-cooked bacon for about 15-20 seconds, tear it in
>> half, and lay the pieces side by side on the dressed crown. Follow
>> that with one slice of cheese. Put cooked beef patty #1 on top of the
>> cheese, add another slice of cheese and then beef patty #2. Add the
>> toasted heel and wrap in a 12"x16" sheet of waxed paper. (see cooking
>> regular hamburgers for wrapping directions) Let sit for 5-7 minutes,
>> then microwave (still wrapped) for 15 seconds until hot.
>> Enjoy a classic bacon double cheeseburger!
>>Why on earth would I ever want to make a McCraps cheeseburger? They
>>were never any good really.
>>One of my criteria for eating out is would I make the food I get out
>>at home, if I could? If not, why am I paying perfectly good money for
>>it out? And that leaves FastFood crap out almost completely!
>>John Kuthe...
> Because, it eliminates the need to COOK AND CLEAN UP. Thus, saving you
> time, and therefore money.
yep, i'm quite sure you earn a very high hourly rate at your job. if you
have one.