OT-Ever have the taste of beer change?
On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 08:01:28 -0500, jt august wrote:
> In article >,
> "George Leppla" > wrote:
>> I lost my taste for beer years ago. There was a time when I drank a LOT of
>> beer, then the pendulum went the other way and I went for over 5 years
>> without drinking anything at all. After that, when I did try a beer, it
>> tasted like crap. Every once in a while I'll be in a restaurant (especially
>> a micro-brew place) and decide to try a taste... and the results are the
>> same. It all tastes bad.
> Garrison Keillor did a monologue on this many, many moons ago. He was
> talking about how when he was young, he hated beer. It tasted awful. I
> tasted like someone had died in it. He also thought when he was young
> that he would never leave Minnesota. He thought that leaving Minnesota
> would be a form of killing himself. Then one day, when he had grown up,
> he had a beer and decided to leave Minnesota.
> jt
your pal,