On Jul 23, 10:31*am, Tracy > wrote:
> Christine Dabney wrote:
> > On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 09:45:07 +0200, "Giusi" >
> > wrote:
> >> "ViLco" *ha scritto nel messaggio
> >>> A cup of espresso and one of these,:with custard filling.
> >>http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3492/...1f7ef427cc.jpg
> >>> What do you call those where you live?
> >>> --
> >>> *Vilco
> >> Bombolone ripiene di crema pasticciera
> >> We also call them "buone!"
> > Looks like a donut with custard in it, from here in the US.
> > Christine, getting ready to head into work for an extra 4 hours. *
> Sort of funny story. My husband is from Morocco and he tells this great
> story about how after having been in the US for about ten years, he
> looked forward to going home to enjoy a pastry he fondly recalled. When
> he finally got to the bakery he realized that the pastry he had been
> dreaming about was a donut. A plain 'ole donut.
> ;-)
> Tracy
A friend and I nearly got thrown out of a café in Thunder Bay Ontario
when a misunderstanding arose over a Persian to go with our coffee. I
turned out that a Persian in Thunder Bay is what is known as a Danish
Pastry in most of the rest of Ontario.
I don't usually order them so I don't know what name applies in the
rest of Canada.
John Kane, Kingston ON Canada
John Kane, Kingston ON Canada