"June Hughes" > wrote in message
> In message >, Omelet
> > writes
>>In article >, "June H" wrote:
>>> Omelet wrote:
>>> > In article >, "June H" wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > If you bloody idiots insist on posting your stupid recipes, could
>>> > > you please check if they're correct?
>>> > >
>>> > > For example, we don't have zucchini in the UK!
>>> > >
>>> > > June
>>> >
>>> > That's only because y'all call it "pumpkin".
>>> >
>>> > Ignorance is bliss. ;-)
>>> No, we call it courgette, you stupid, inbred, redneck American.
>>We beat your sorry asses to become a free nation.
>>Be careful who you call "inbred" or "stupid".
> Excues me!!!! You have been replying to a troll all this time. Surely
> you noticed? We have all tried very hard to make sure no-one sees the
> stupid prat's posts and you go and reply to them. Doh!
> PS (An apology would be nice.)
> --
> June Hughes
Why on earth should anyone apologize to a troll? You truly are one dumb